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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Do you have 15 - 20 minutes? You might win $50...

Paralegal Core Competency Exam Job Analysis Study–PCC

A large-scale validation survey being launched by National Federation of Paralegal Associations:

In  accordance with the directives of its member associations, NFPA  is developing a credentialing examination geared to entry-level and early-career paralegals––the Paralegal CORE Competency (PCC) TM exam. 

NFPA is partnering with Professional Examination Service, a recognized expert in the credentialing field, to conduct a job analysis of paralegals and create the PCC TM examination.  A description of paralegal practice has been delineated; and in adherence with best practices in credentialing, a large-scale validation survey of practicing paralegals is currently being conducted.


Results of the job analysis validation survey will be used to ensure the PCC TM examination accurately reflects contemporary paralegal practice.  A web-based survey has been developed to collect information from you about the areas of paralegal practice and law that might be tested on the PCC TM exam.  We are asking that paralegals devote approximately 15 to 20 minutes of time to complete the survey.  It is critical that paralegals practicing in a variety of employment settings and representing a range of professional and demographic characteristics complete the survey to ensure its validity.

In recognition of your contribution, respondents who complete the survey will have the opportunity to enter a random drawing for one of four $50 American Express gift cards.  Click on the link below or copy and paste it into your browser’s address bar to access the survey.  You can also forward the survey link to other paralegals.  You do not need to be a member of NFPA to participate in the survey at

Participation in the survey is voluntary and your responses will be kept confidential.  We ask that you complete the survey by February 14th, 2011.  If you have any questions about the survey or the PCC TM exam, feel free to contact Vice President and Director of Paralegal Certification Suellen Honeychuck, RP at javascript:main.compose('new', '')

NFPA thanks you for your professional and personal contribution to this project, which will serve to advance the standing of the paralegal profession.

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